My Story

I am about to get real and raw, this is a deep dive in my life, who I am as a person and why I started blogging. 🤎

It all started in 2018… there was a major change back in 2016 that changed my life forever but a shift in my life was changed in 2018. I was living in California, forced to move out there with family due to my mom passing away back in 2016, from stage four liver failure, since then my whole world crashed before my eyes I was just 13 by myself. My mom was my best friend, I am an only child and it was just me and her. Since 2016 I vowed to make the most out of everyday, since our life is seriously so short. We never know when our last breath will come or our last day to walk the earth will be. So let’s make everyday count. Know you now a little of my backstory let’s get right into why I am doing this. 

My boyfriend Travis and I have know each other since 2015, we were just friends and had been seeing other people. When I moved to Texas to be closer to family again in 2018 we started talking as friends and before we knew it we fell in love. He is my soul mate, my best friend and part in crime. Once you meet someone like that you know they are truly the one. Since 2018 we have been inseparable we do everything together. Of course we have our own hobbies we like to do apart but we are living in an RV so our lives are together all the time. In June of 2020 we bought our first “home” our RV we are currently living in. then a month later we came upon a Facebook post for a cute 8 week old half Golden Retriever, Half Labrador Retriever and we knew it was meant to be as we were looking for a dog for a while but we wanted to wait till we had a place of our own. I love Goldens and my boyfriend Travis loves Labs so we knew it was a sign that he was meant to be our and he truly is our forever dog. We left work early and drove 3 hours away to pick him up. On the way there we were brain storming names but nothing seemed right. We were just going to wait till we had him to name him. We came up with the name Odie and I seriously couldn’t be more happier, it fits him perfectly. We were living in the RV with Odie on Travis’ mom backyard to save some money. We were both working full time jobs that we did not really like, so neither one of us were truly happy or living up to our fullest potential. 

So fast forward to May of 2021, Travis got a new job. This job would seriously change our lives for the better. This job we would travel around the United States. They tell us where to go and we would drive there and be in that location around three to four months at a time. We get to stay at campgrounds in our little RV home that travels with us everywhere we go. Our little home on wheels. The only downfall to this job is that I had to quit my full time 9-5 job if I wanted to travel with him, its the job I have been working at that I wasn’t fully happy with, We talked about it and discused this would be the best thing to do for our family. Since the job tells us where we have to go, I would have to find a remote job that would be super flexible with my time since travel days are a lot and if we need to go somewhere that is 2 days away I would need my schedule free. Also side note if you have never traveled with an RV there is a lot to take down and put up every time you move it. There is a check list we do every travel day to make sure everything is put up, safe and ready for the road. I will get into a deep dive of all that in this blog later on. Well not a lot of jobs are like that, they probably wouldn’t give me the time I need to take care of all that or take 2-3 days of every few months to travel sometimes we are only in one spot for a few weeks. 

This lead me into why I started blogging. I have a passion for helping people, a little cheesy I know but I seriously do. I spent a lot of time working on myself and I want to make it easier for you and give you all the tools to better yourself truly and not just fake a smile to get through the day. To be fully happy, radiating with sunshine. Life is one of the most precious gifts. We are on this earth for a purpose and some days are harder than others I get it but you will never get that day back so instead of dwelling on that bad moment, take that bad moment and turn it positive and make it a good day.I love looking at life through a positive mindset. Life can be challenging then when you add all the daily chores we have to do to survive in life it can be hard. Which Is why I am here and why I created this whole blog. I love cooking, cleaning, organizing, photography, fitness, healthy habits, all the basic necessities we have to do to survive. I am here to change your mindset about it being a “chore” we have to do, to think about it as a fun activity we get to do. 

Now I’m living my dream life where each day gets better and better. Whether I am working, walking, creating, I am striving to live my life to the fullest potential and I am building a community of like minded people who are passionate about creating their dream life and living up true to their true potential.  

“Live your life by doing activities that are beneficial.”

🟤 fashion – what you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today, when our human contacts are so quick. 

🟤 cooking – a recipe has no soul. You, as the cook, must bring soul to the recipe.

🟤 cleaning – when your environment is clean you feel happy, motivated and healthy.

🟤 organized – organization isn’t about perfection it’s about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money and improving your overall quality of life. 

🟤 photography – we take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone. A photographer is the pause button of life. 

🟤 fitness – be stronger than your excuses, you don’t have to be extreme be consistent. All progress takes place outside your comfort zone. 

🟤 healthy habits – We all have habits. They start in our mind, continue with our actions, grow with consistency and stay by choice. Make your self-care and health a priority. 

🟤 travel – a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world

🟤 RV living – money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy a camper, which is kind of the same thing. Home is where we park it.

” If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough. ”

Oprah Winfrey